What is WhichDateWorks.com?
WhichDateWorks.com was created with the goal of making it easier to make plans with friends and families.
Does WhichDateWorks.com cost anything?
No, WhichDateWorks.com is completely free and will always be free!
Do I have to register/sign up to use WhichDateWorks.com?
No, you and the people you invite can use WhichDateWorks.com without ever signing up. We respect your privacy and promise to never SPAM you either (we hate it too!).
The benefits of signing up are:
- A list of all
Your recent plans
- A list of all
Invitations you have received
- An address book of
Recent contacts to help you setup plans even faster
- We are consistantly adding more features...
How can I make plans on WhichDateWorks.com?
That's easy, go to www.whichdateworks.com and follow these four easy steps!
- Name your plans and add additional details
- Add the email addresses for those you would like to invite
- Select the dates that you are available
- Send your invitation out!
How do I add someone to my invitation after I already sent it out?
At this point in time there is no easy way to add an additional person to an invitation. Right now the only solution is to edit your plans, which resends the invitation to everyone. We are working hard to improve this functionality very soon!
I made a mistake on my invitation, how do I delete it?
At this point in time there is no way to delete an invitation. Please be sure to carefully review the "Preview" of your invitation before sending it out.
Right now there is no way to delete an invitation. Please be sure to carefully review the "Preview" of your invite before sending it out.
Can I see my recent plans on WhichDateWorks.com?
You can see your recent plans when you sign up with WhichDateWorks.com. Signing up gives you access to:
- A list of all
Your recent plans
- A list of all
Invitations you have received
- An address book of
Recent contacts to help you setup plans even faster
- We are consistantly adding more features...
I was sent a link to WhichDateWorks.com... what do I do now?
Click on it! The link will take you to a calendar setup by someone who needs your help making plans. They need your help figuring out which dates work best! After you click on the link, you will be taken to a simple calendar. Move your mouse over each date and click any of these three options:
- Select
Works for me to indicate yes, you are available on this date.
- Select
No can do to indicate no, you are not available on this date.
- Select
Might be around to indicate maybe, you will know you're available on this date soon.
What happens when I receive an invitation at a different email address than the one I signed up with?
If you are not signed in to WhichDateWorks.com:
- Click the link in the invitation email to view the calendar.
- On the right-hand side of the calendar, click the Click here if you are not (name or email address). link.
- Enter your name and the email address you signed up with.
- Save your date selections.
If you are already signed in to WhichDateWorks.com:
- Click the link in the invitation email to view the calendar.
- Save your date selections, and the email address you signed up with will automatically be used for the invite.
Do I have to fill out every single date?
No, but the more dates you provide, the easier it is to select the final date for your plans.
I want to leave a comment about the plans or my availability for specific dates, how do I do that?
This is not a feature we currently support, however we are working hard to add this functionality very soon!
Who will see the dates I am available?
Everyone that receives the invitation will be able to see the responses of the entire group.
How do I see who has responded yes, no, and maybe to each date?
After you save your date selections, you will be taken to a calendar displaying the results of everyone who has responded up to that point in time. Click the dates to see who responded yes, no, and maybe!
How do I know what browser I am using?
If you are on a PC running Microsoft Windows:
- Look at the Title Bar, located at the far top of your browser window. The browser name is usually located after the page title.
- If you are not sure, click "Help" in your File Menu at the top of the browser window, and select "About".
If you are on a Mac:
- Look at the Menu Bar, located at the top of your screen. The browser name is next to the Apple logo in bold.
How do I enable JavaScript in my browser?
If you do not know what browser you are using, click here to find out.
Mozilla Firefox
- On a PC: (then continue to step 3)
- Click "Tools" towards the right on the File Menu at the top of your browser window.
- Select "Options...".
- On a Mac:
- Click "Firefox" in the top left corner of the Menu Bar at the top of your screen.
- Select "Preferences...".
- Click the "Content" icon tab.
- Click the checkbox next to "Enable JavaScript" and ensure it is checked.
- Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window to apply settings.
- Done!
Internet Explorer
These instructions are for PC users, but should be similar for Mac users as well.
- Click "Tools" towards the right on the File Menu at the top of your browser window.
- Select "Internet Options".
- Click the "Security" tab.
- Click the "Internet" icon to make sure it is highlighted.
- Click the "Custom level..." near the bottom of the window.
- Scroll down to the "Scripting" section.
- Click the radio button next to "Active scripting" and ensure it is selected.
- Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window to apply settings.
- Done!
Although Microsoft has discontinued support for Internet Explorer on the Mac, this website should function properly for you. We recommend downloading Safari or Mozilla Firefox for your best internet browsing experience.
- On a PC: (then continue to step 3)
- Click "Edit" near the left on the File Menu at the top of your browser window.
- Select "Preferences...".
- On a Mac:
- Click "Safari" in the top left corner of the Menu Bar at the top of your screen.
- Select "Preferences...".
- Click the "Security" icon tab.
- Click the checkbox next to "Enable JavaScript" and ensure it is checked.
- Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window to apply settings.
- Done!